Release campaign for our latest fashion collection “New Earth”.

Last month, Vanessa Jo-Ann Couture hosted three students from the Erasmus+ Program between Poland and Sweden. Angelika and Bozena study advertisement, Karolina studies graphic design. These are fields that nowadays are extremely important for the development of any company. They worked closely with us for three weeks and contributed in the campaign for our latest fashion collection “New Earth.”

What is the Erasmus+ Program?

Is a European Union program in the field of education and training. 

The participants of the project are students of vocational secondary schools. They come to gain work experience in Swedish companies. The internships usually last between two and four weeks. The purpose is to improve students’ professional qualifications, develop language skills, as well as learn about a foreign culture, develop tolerance and learn about the European labour market. 

Visit Erasmus+ Program webpage to learn more: here

The creation of the “New Earth” campaign.

We teamed-up with Angelika, Bozena and Karolina to create the campaign for our upcoming fashion collection.

“New Earth” was first presented at Paris Fashion Week, in February 2022. It consists of seven different styles inspired by a story that Vanessa imagined herself. It is the story of a girl who escapes from reality. She gets into a fantastic world, in the forest. This is why, each creation of this collection represents a present in a beautiful wrapping that the girl receives in this new world.

The campaign for our latest fashion collection was strongly influenced by this story. Angelika, Bozena and Karolina were very professional in finding the right the colors and words to represent our new collection. In a very short period of time, working with the material that we provided and contributing with their own creativity, they found out the best way to present our latest collection for the public.

“New Earth” Coming Soon!

Our experience working with the Erasmus+ Program was very satisfactory. This is specially because the inclusion of younger people in our business. It helps us to throw fresh air in our work and thus get inspiration for the future.

Soon, our collection “New Earth” will be available in our online boutique. 

Follow us on Instagram to find out about all the details.

Join our special Midsommar celebration!

Vanessa Jo-Ann Couture invites you to a very special Midsommar celebration and the inauguration of our online shop.

This Sunday, the 13th of June, join us on Höllviken’s beach, one of Sweden’s most beautiful beaches, for a free fashion photography workshop in which you will learn the basics of working with models. The workshop will be led by photographer Lora Grigorova and you will be able to practice with two models who will be wearing items from our exclusive Midsommar collection.

Join the Facebook event

Join the contest!

If you share your pictures on Instagram or Facebook tagging our social profiles Instagram or Facebook and using the hashtag #vanessajoannmidsommar you can win one of our Midsommar floral scarves. The winner of the best picture will be announced on the 25th of June.

About Vanessa Jo-Ann Couture:

We are a fashion brand based in the lovely town of Höllviken, south of Sweden.
We are purely driven by the love of design. With sustainability as the epicentre of our business, we make sure to use carefully chosen materials with very minimum waste.

Follow us on Instagram

About Lora Grigorova:

Photographer and audiovisual artist currently based in Malmö. She has worked with image since a very early age and her work has been published in different magazines, newspapers and books worldwide. She also has a project called Super Muñeca.

Since 2015 she has been organising photography workshops on the streets of different cities inspiring different people to actually pursue photography as a way of living.
For her, the street has always been the best school for photography.

You can check some of her work here
Follow her on Instagram

See you soon!!!